Tuesday, August 25, 2020
History the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
History the world - Essay Example These practices extended from vernacular to the method of dressing where the men used to wear kikoi while ladies cotton lesos or buibuis, which secured their bodies even their head (Laska 63). Basically, this described the method of dressing normally favored by Arabs and Indian ladies, which is clear at the coast at the present (Luis). Also, the blending of Arabs, Persians, Indians and later Portuguese, this prompted the development of a one of a kind language (Kiswahili), which is especially uncontrolled in the Eastern Africa. Since, it was the sole language utilized by the then brokers and encouraged better comprehension in their middle (Laska 63). Indian Ocean Exchange likewise prompted the ascent of different cultural classes where the most extravagant traders positioned at the top (Luis). These shippers controlled the exchange while the slaves accepted least position in the general public. Settlement of Arabs at the African coast affected seaside tenants to receive Islamic religion where to the present Islamic has overwhelmed the area. Swahili culture has likewise brought forth an extra ethnic gathering other than those possessed the east African beach front locale; for the most part connected with Arabian starting point regularly known Waswahili (Laska
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Julian Assange; Hero or Villain?
Julian Assange Hero or Villain? The subject of whether WikiLeaks organizer Julian Assange, whose association can be credited with discharging a great many grouped archives from different nations, is a legend or a miscreant relies altogether upon one’s political sentiments. The individuals who have faith in straightforward government and the right to speak freely of discourse/distributing would call Assange a legend. The individuals who accept governments must have some mystery from residents would consider him a reprobate. As an adherent to the standards America was established on obviously Assange’s activities are brave. He is battling to keep the normal resident educated regarding any debasement inside their administration, battling for the prevailing media to quit supporting the government’s sees on everything, battling to bring the intensity of innovation into a political framework that has gotten obsolete and degenerate. The United States is looked on as the perfect case of vote based system. Individuals have the right to speak freely of discourse, choose the authorities who speak to them and the administration attempts to profit the regular individual. Correct? Wrong. How might we attempt and set up another administration where the individuals are effectively engaged with nations, for example, Iraq when the normal American doesn’t know anything about what’s going on in our own legislature. Julian Assange’s association uncovered 1,500 non military personnel passings in Iraq already unreported to the American open. (4) Our family members are battling for their nation and we’re told that regular citizen losses are going down when in truth there are 1,500 beforehand unreported passings, there’s some kind of problem with that image. Outside of the U. S. WikiLeaks has had an effect in Tunisia when they distributed comments made by Ambassador Robert Godec expressing that the government’s inward circles were degenerate. The breaks included with the effectively turbulent indignation at the administration sent Tunisians to the brink, and they toppled the degenerate government. (1) Those who trust Assange to be a reprobate site his â€Å"vendetta†against the U. S. as the essential explanation behind doubt and contempt, yet the distribution of Robert Godec’s proclamations helped the U. S. gain power in the Middle East and prevail in their, â€Å"efforts to work with different nations to tackle shared problems†. Hillary Clinton) The releases posted on WikiLeaks supported the U. S. more so than it hurt them, making Julian Assange a legend, not a lowlife. In the event that Julian Assange’s campaign isn’t against the United States, at that point what is he battling for? What about for the predominant media to report more than one side of the story? The prevailing media will not recognize Assange as a real writer and distributer; in actuality the opportunity of the press panel of the Overseas Press Club of America in New York City pronounced Assange â€Å"not one of us†. 2) This appears to be odd when the obligation of the press has consistently been to illuminate the individuals, which Assange is doing, but in an eccentric way. Take for instance the war in Afghanistan, without WikiLeaks the general population is exposed to claims that the Taliban is losing †and that al Qaeda has been seriously debilitated but then we’re advised that our nation should stick it out until 2015, rather conflicting! Associations, for example, WikiLeaks power the conventional press to recognize irregularities in Washington’s story. In spite of the fact that they do proceed to attempt to control the account with the goal that it doesn't profoundly deviate from the official Washington storyline. Without the weight put on by Julian Assange opportunity of press would decay, making him a legend, At least once every century governments experience radical change. In the 1700’s it was the American Revolution, in the 1800’s it was the French Revolution, in the 1900’s it was the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution. What will the transformation of the 2000’s be? Governments have just been de-settled in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Who says that the fights won’t proceed over to the United States? Fights in different nations happened in light of the fact that the frameworks were obsolete and debasement was suspected. This is positively obvious in the U. S. , where the government’s wastefulness is being accused on obsolete innovation. Dwindle Orszag, the executive of the Office of Management and Budget conceded that the hole between people in general and private segments brings about â€Å"billions of dollars in squander, slow and deficient client support and an absence of straightforwardness about how dollars are spent,†this â€Å"lack of transparency†is actually what Assange is battling against. (3) WikiLeaks powers the United States government to consider the extraordinary mystery it works under and whether this is the best for its residents. Without Assange the â€Å"lack of transparency†would just develop, making him a legend. Julian Assange has been called numerous names; double crosser, rebel and even a cutting edge psychological oppressor, yet the best possible name for him is saint. WikiLeaks is an association that genuinely works for the individuals. Keeping individuals educated with the internal operations of government, squeezing the press to recognize reality and driving change inside government. WikiLeaks is driving news-casting into the future and Assange is the driver. Sources: 1) Jackson, William E. , Jr. â€Å"A Liberated Press and WikiLeaks: Bulwarks Against Claims of ‘Victory’ in Afghanistan . †The Huffington Post. N. p. , 2 Feb. 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. . 2) Zapata, Xavier. â€Å"Is Julian Assange a saint or a reprobate? †World Have Your Say Blog. BBC, 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. http://www. bbc. co. uk/online journals/worldhaveyoursay/2010/12/is_julian_assange_a_hero_or_vi. html 3) Swanson, Ian. â€Å"Budget executive accuses old PCs for insufficient government. †The Hill. Capital Hill Publishing Co. , 14 Jan. 2010. Web. 6 Mar. 2011. . 4) Assange, Julian. â€Å"Julian Assange; The Man Behind WikiLeaks. †Interview by Steve Kroft. an hour. CBS News. 30 Jan. 2011. CBS News. Web. 6 Mar. 2011. .
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Who you gonna call
Who you gonna call Not these guys, I hope. Hopefully, instead youll call these two: Last night, LSC hosted the Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie, who came to MIT to describe some of their work and how they get inspiration for what they do. Ive never seen a more packed Kresge. Not even for a Logs concert. Mythbusters on stage. Now, what you might not know is that the Mythbusters are not foreign to MIT. (Hops into Time Machine) The year was 2005, and one day I found myself walking out of class across Killian Court to see a number of mirrors all lined out on the grass. Last year, students from Professor David Wallaces Product Engineering Process (2.009) class had the opportunity to try to bust the Archimedes Death Ray myth. So a couple students went out to San Francisco to help the Mythbusters test the myth. The early test at MIT resulted in the large flash ignition; however, when it came to the show, the MIT team along with the Mythbusters were not able to recreate the flame. More on MIT and the Archimedes Death Ray can be found here
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Declaration Of Independence The United States
The Document that Lead to Freedom America is known by people all over the world as a country that firmly believes that everyone has the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This however was not always the case for the United States. It was once ruled by King George III, and the American people were under the control of the British Parliament. It is what the founding fathers of our country fought for, that made it possible for the United States to be what our country is today. This was only possible by their bravery and the creation of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a document that was written by Thomas Jefferson, who was 33 years old at the time. Only a few changes were made by†¦show more content†¦Eventually The Stamp Act of 1765 would be removed. The victory of the removal of the Stamped Act was short-lived. The next reason why the American Colonist Declared Independence was when the British had imposed tax on tea, wh ich angered the Bostonians. On December 16, 1773, a group of men dressed up as Indians, boarded the merchant ships in the Boston Harbor and dumped tea overboard. This act became known as The Boston Tea Party (Krensky 15). This did not sit well with Britain. Britain, in retaliation, closed the Port of Boston, until the Bostonians paid off the amount of tea wasted, causing economic distress, which later became known as the Coercive Acts of 1774 (Nardo21). The British Parliament wanted to use Boston as an example and keep the other 12 Colonist from acting out against the British Parliament. This, however, had the opposite effect. The American Colonist had united in the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in September 1774, where all colonies, except for Georgia, declared their rights and grievances against the British, in hopes that their voice would be listen to. King George did not listen (Nardo22). That led to The Second Continental Congress. The American Colonist sent King G eorge a list of grievances called the Olive Branch Petition. King George responded by sending an army of about 20,000 to end what he called, â€Å"open and avowed rebellion.†(Johnston40).
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Between The Euphrates And Euphrates Tigris And Tigris...
Nearly ten-thousand years ago the first recorded civilization emerged in the world. Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, (Mesopotamia) lived the ancient Sumerian peoples. Since then, time has seen the creation and decimation of thousands of countries and economies. In this time, common political structures consisted of a powerful top down ruling where either pharaohs, dictators, or kings held all or most of the power. After ten-thousand years of trial and error, the American capitalistic system of the last several hundred years has propelled civilizations across the world in an increasingly exponential positive direction. The prowess of capitalism, as opposed to other systems like socialism and communism, can be proved through philosophy, psychology and history. The crisis of the 14th century seen the infantile implementation of capitalistic thought. The crisis brought social upheaval, plagues and natural disasters to areas across Europe. There had been a dramatic drop in population during this era, â€Å"In little over a century, from 1340 to 1450, however, the western European population fell from 54 million to 37 million, a 31 percent drop in only a century†(Mises). France had seen an incredible amount of rainfall in the year 1315 which led to wide spread crop failure. During this time there had been, â€Å"widespread famine, reports of cannibalism, and epidemics†(Uwbg). The 14th century also seen the disastrous effects of the black plague which speculatively claimed theShow MoreRelated Mesopotamia Urbanization Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pagesthe â€Å"Land between rivers†. The two main rivers that ran parallel to each other in Mesopotamia were called the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Tigris River was the more unpredictable river to the East of the Euphrates River and the second largest river in the region. The Euphrates River is the larger of the two rivers and is located to the West of the Tigris river. Both rivers flowed from Eastern Turkey all the way to the Persian Gulf (Tigris-Euphrates river system) .The two rivers providedRead MoreChange over Time Essay: Mesopotamia from 2000 Bce to Current Day1078 Words  | 5 PagesBCE to Current Day The earliest civilization in Asia arose around 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia meaning land between the rivers because of its convenient location between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This river valley regions rich soil and access to waterways made early civilization thrive on agriculture and trade. Although much has changed since its beginnings, the Mesopotamian River Valley has continued to grow and develop as a civilization to this day. During the time period 2000 BCE to presentRead MoreGilgamesh : The King Of Uruk984 Words  | 4 Pagestame Enkidu. After being tamed and hearing about Gilgamesh and his wedding day customs, Enkidu decides to go confront him. Once there he stopped Gilgamesh from proceeding with his regular activities. Gilgamesh was enraged by this and a clash erupted between the two. Even though he had good intentions Enkidu lost, but admired Gilgamesh’s power and strength, and so the two of them became best friends. Gilgamesh wants to steal power from the god s and so he plans to go to the cedar forest to kill HumbabaRead MoreSocial Studies Megan Baldwin s The Epic Of Gilgamesh 788 Words  | 4 Pagesout of clay. O is for Oldest Society O is for Oldest Society. Mesopotamia is the oldest society. Society means a group of people living together in a group. It was the first society known to humans. Mesopotamia is between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It was located where it was because of the water supply. Water is an important thing to have near you for plant growing and drinking. P is for Polytheism P is for Polytheism. Polytheism is the worship of many godsRead MoreMesopotamian Civilization1351 Words  | 6 PagesMesopotamian Civilization Wedged between the Tigris and Euphrates River, the first civilization and founder of the many methods and ideas we hold today, now lay in ruins under the desert sands of present day Iraq. Mesopotamia is home to the invention of writing, our twelve month lunar based calendar, the wheel, the division of minutes to seconds, and the opening of the first routes to import and export trade. The Sumerians of Mesopotamia were enveloped by environmental conditions that constantlyRead More The Inflence of Rivers and Climate on Baghdad, Iraq Essay1124 Words  | 5 PagesInflence of Rivers and Climate on Baghdad, Iraq The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, along with their reaction to the climate, have both helped and hurt Baghdad, Iraq. The rivers provided pathways to other civilizations, allowing Baghdad to grow into the transportation and cultural center of Iraq. Its fertile soil, deposited by flooding, provided the area with the ability to become the birthplace of civilization through tremendous agricultural production. Although the flooding of the rivers greatlyRead MoreDescribe The Relationship Between Ancient Civilizations1023 Words  | 5 PagesAncient Civilizations In this essay I will be explaining the relationship between four ancient civilizations. These civilizations include; Mesopotamia, India, China and Egypt. Not only will I be explaining the relationship between these four civilizations, I will also be explaining how the geography of these civilizations relate to religion, social classes,and writing. Paragraph 1 - Describe land and water forms The geography of these four civilizations are very important aspect of their cultureRead MoreMesopotamia and Egypt Essay before 600 BC911 Words  | 4 Pagesexcel in farming and agriculture. Mesopotamia had fertile valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Despite receiving little rainfall, the Tigris and Euphrates brought large volumes of fresh water to the region through irrigation. Cultivators tapped these rivers, built reservoirs, and dug canals so they could irrigate fields of barley, wheat, and peas. Similarly, Egypt also had little rainfall. However, in the Nile river allowed farming to develop along its banks. The Egyptians took advantageRead MoreGeographic and Environmental Factors1517 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscovery of the Cumberland Gap. The second geographical factor that significantly contributed to the development and expansion of the United States is the major rivers of the Midwest regions such as, â€Å"The Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, and other rivers knit together the American nation over the course of a century†(River Towns, River Networks, 2012). The early colonists had trouble passing over the Appalachian Mountains due to the extremely difficult environmental conditions that these mountainsRead MoreAncient Mesopotamia And Egypt Different1029 Words  | 5 PagesEgypt; Different The Same Long before you and I today were societies in formation. These fascinating societies took place in Mesopotamia and Egypt in ancient times. Many factors contributed to the similarities and the differences that occurred between the two; including geography, religion, and social structures. A glance at the these factors will give us a better understanding of a couple of the first societies or civilizations that occurred before people today. In order to understand a society
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Concepts in Brave New World Free Essays
10/11/12 Journal Entry #5: HTRLLAP Concepts The concept of â€Å"vampires†is present in Brave New World because the men and women don’t respect each other in the area of romance. Men like Henry Foster just use girls like Lenina for sex. But having sex with multiple people is socially accepted in the World State. We will write a custom essay sample on Concepts in Brave New World or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Brave New World, symbolic vampirism is used because the men and women use each other to get what they want which is sex. They do not care about what the other person wants. An example is Lenina trying to seduce John, when he makes it clear he does not just want to have sex with her. John is the opposite of the men from the World State because when he was thinking about how pretty she was he told himself that it was a â€Å"destestable thought†(145). Acts of Communion, was shown in Lord of the Flies when the boys were having a feast after Jack had killed the pig. This was a failed meal because towards the end Simon gives his piece of meat to Piggy who asked for some, but Jack denied saying he didn’t hunt. Piggy replies with, â€Å"no more did Ralph, nor Simon†(74) and Simon, being the inherently good person, gives Piggy his piece of meat. The meal is a failure because Jack becomes furious over Simon’s actions. At the end, Ralph becomes â€Å"envious and resentful†(75) which shows that he is upset with how the boys are acting and later in the book, hunting becomes a negative thing because the boys end up killing Simon, mistaking him for the beast. The Bible is used in Lord of the Flies to describe Simon and Roger. Simon was the Christ figure throughout the book. He helped Ralph build the shelters when the other boys were off playing, he gave Piggy his food when Piggy asks about having a piece of meat and he is killed like a martyr. He is murdered by the boys and he is the first boy to die at the hands of the others. Simon was carried away by the ocean and the description of how he was carried away portrayed him as an angel. The snake of the Garden of Eden was represented by Roger. Roger was always quiet and in the background. He threw rocks at the young boys, purely for fun and he was the boy who pushed the rock that killed Piggy and shattered the conch shell. The concept of â€Å"It’s All About Sex†¦Except Sex†is shown in Brave New World because Huxley uses sex as a way to show the character’s desires to have power over another person. Because all of the Alpha’s are equal, they want to feel somewhat above the other person. Sex throughout the story is also used by the women as a sense of freedom. They can be with any man and people do not make any judgment of them. Sex is also used as a release and freedom for the people. They take the soma and then the characters don’t have a care in the world and do whatever they please because of the effects of the soma. How to cite Concepts in Brave New World, Essay examples Concepts in Brave New World Free Essays 10/11/12 Journal Entry #5: HTRLLAP Concepts The concept of â€Å"vampires†is present in Brave New World because the men and women don’t respect each other in the area of romance. Men like Henry Foster just use girls like Lenina for sex. But having sex with multiple people is socially accepted in the World State. We will write a custom essay sample on Concepts in Brave New World or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Brave New World, symbolic vampirism is used because the men and women use each other to get what they want which is sex. They do not care about what the other person wants. An example is Lenina trying to seduce John, when he makes it clear he does not just want to have sex with her. John is the opposite of the men from the World State because when he was thinking about how pretty she was he told himself that it was a â€Å"destestable thought†(145). Acts of Communion, was shown in Lord of the Flies when the boys were having a feast after Jack had killed the pig. This was a failed meal because towards the end Simon gives his piece of meat to Piggy who asked for some, but Jack denied saying he didn’t hunt. Piggy replies with, â€Å"no more did Ralph, nor Simon†(74) and Simon, being the inherently good person, gives Piggy his piece of meat. The meal is a failure because Jack becomes furious over Simon’s actions. At the end, Ralph becomes â€Å"envious and resentful†(75) which shows that he is upset with how the boys are acting and later in the book, hunting becomes a negative thing because the boys end up killing Simon, mistaking him for the beast. The Bible is used in Lord of the Flies to describe Simon and Roger. Simon was the Christ figure throughout the book. He helped Ralph build the shelters when the other boys were off playing, he gave Piggy his food when Piggy asks about having a piece of meat and he is killed like a martyr. He is murdered by the boys and he is the first boy to die at the hands of the others. Simon was carried away by the ocean and the description of how he was carried away portrayed him as an angel. The snake of the Garden of Eden was represented by Roger. Roger was always quiet and in the background. He threw rocks at the young boys, purely for fun and he was the boy who pushed the rock that killed Piggy and shattered the conch shell. The concept of â€Å"It’s All About Sex†¦Except Sex†is shown in Brave New World because Huxley uses sex as a way to show the character’s desires to have power over another person. Because all of the Alpha’s are equal, they want to feel somewhat above the other person. Sex throughout the story is also used by the women as a sense of freedom. They can be with any man and people do not make any judgment of them. Sex is also used as a release and freedom for the people. They take the soma and then the characters don’t have a care in the world and do whatever they please because of the effects of the soma. How to cite Concepts in Brave New World, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
John Quincy Adams Essays - Adams Family, John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams JOHN QUINCY ADAMS John Quincy Adams was born in Braintree (Quincy), Massachusetts on July 11th, 1767. His ancestry lineage was English. Adams' religion was Unitarian. His father, John Adams, was born in Braintree (Quincy), Massachusetts on October 19th, 1735. He died in Quincy, Massachusetts on July 4th, 1826. He had three major occupations. He was a lawyer, a statesman, and the President of the United States. His mother, Abigail Smith Adams, was born in Weymouth Massachusetts on November 11th, 1744. She died in Quincy, Massachusetts on October 28th, 1818. John Quincy Adams had two brothers: Charles Adams who lived between the years 1770 and 1800, and Thomas Boylston Adams who lived between the years 1772 and 1832. He also had two sisters: Abigail Amelia Adams who lived between the years 1765 and 1813, and Susanna Adams who lived between the years 1768 and 1770. Louisa Catherine Johnson was born in London, England on February 12th, 1775 and she died in Washington DC on May 14th, 1852. Louisa was the second daughter of Joshua and Catherine Johnson. John Quincy Adams and Louisa Catherine Johnson were married before eleven a.m. on July 26th, 1767 in London, England at the All Hollows Barking Church. They were married by Mr. Hewlett. The portrait on the next page is of Louisa Catherine Adams at age 43. It was painted by Gilbert Stuart in 1818. John Quincy Adams and Louisa Catherine Adams had four children. Their children were George Washington Adams (1801-1812), John Adams (1803-1834), Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886), and Louisa Catherine Adams (1811-1812). John Quincy Adams had plenty of education, which helped him in his election as President. He studied in Paris, Amsterdam, Leyden, and The Hugue. He received his Bachelor of Arts in 1787 from Harvard and studied law from 1788 to 1790 with Theophilus Parsons. His Pre-presidency occupations consisted of being a lawyer and a professor. These jobs helped Adams to have the confidence he needed to become President. His Pre-Presidential offices consisted of being a Minister to the Netherlands, a Minister to Prussia, a Member of Massachusetts Senate, a Member of United States Senate, a Minister to Russia, a Minister to Great Britain, and a Secretary of State for Massachusetts. Adams' Political Party was Federalist, to 1808; Democratic-Republican, to 1825; National Republican (Whig) thereafter. He was 57 years of age when he was inaugurated as President. Adams was a Congressman and a writer after his presidency. In the election of 1824 Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford, and Henry Clay ran against John Quincy Adams for president. Although Jackson received more votes than Adams, no candidate had a majority, so the election was submitted to the House of Representatives which, after careful examination of each party, chose Adams. He was and still is the only president ever to be the son of a president. Adams' Inauguration was held on March 4th, 1825 at the Hall of the House of Representatives in Washington, DC. His vice-president was John Calhoun; Secretary of State: Henry Clay; Secretary of Treasury: Richard Rush; Secretary of War: James Barbour, Peter Buell Porter (from June 21st, 1828); Attorney General: John McLean; Secretary of the Navy: Samuel Lewis Southard; Supreme Court Appointment: Robert Trimble (1826). John Quincy Adams' unexpected success as minister to Russia saved him from a political scrap heap to which he had been relegated by those who deplored his disregard for party lines. He had already represented the United States at The Hague and in Prussia, where he had seen the rise of tensions which upset Europe in the early 1800's. His mission in Russia was to urge freedom of the seas, to seek favorable treatment for American shipping in Russian waters, and to reaffirm the desire of the United States to avoid entanglement in continental policies. The Adams's arrived in Saint Petersburg late in 1809 and soon were a part of the capital's social whirl. When fifty-two American ships were seized by Danish privateers, Adams appealed to Alexander the 1st (who was eager for American friendship) to intercede. Through the Czar's efforts, the ships were released. By late 1810, Adams had convinced the Czar to discontinue the capture and detainment of American ships in Russian Ports. The Czar's decision was in defiance of Napoleon's system of
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Women of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt
Women of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt Hatshepsut was not the first queen regent in the Eighteenth Dynasty. It is possible that Hatshepsut knew of several reigning Egyptian queens before the Eighteenth Dynasty, but there is no evidence of it. There were some images of Sobeknefru that survived into Hatshepsuts time. But she surely knew of the record of the women of the Eighteenth Dynasty, of which she was a part. Ahhotep The founder of the dynasty, Ahmose I, is credited with re-unifying Egypt after the time of the Hyksos, or foreign, rulers. He recognized publicly his mothers central role in holding power until he could reign. She was Ahhotep, sister and wife of Taa II. Taa II died, probably fighting against the Hyksos. Taa II was succeeded by Kamose, who seems to have been a brother of Taa II, and thus an uncle of Ahmose I and brother of Ahhotep. Ahhoteps coffin names her as Gods Wife the first time this title is known to have been used for the wife of a pharaoh. Ahmes-Nefertiri (Ahmose-Nefertari) Ahmose I married his sister, Ahmes-Nefertiri, as Great Wife, and at least two others of his sisters. Ahmes-Nefertiri was the mother of Ahmose Is heir, Amenhotep I. Ahmes-Nefertiri was given the title Gods Wife, the first time its known that the title was used during a queens lifetime, and implying a major religious role for Ahmes-Nefertiri. Ahmos I died young and his son Amenhotep I was very young. Ahmes-Nefertiri became the de facto ruler of Egypt until her son was old enough to rule. Ahmes (Ahmose) Amenhotep I married two of his sisters, but died without an heir. Thutmose I then became king. Its not known whether Thutmose I had any royal heritage himself. He came to the kingship as an adult, and one of his two known wives, either Mutneferet or Ahmes (Ahmose), could have been sisters of Amenhotep I, but the evidence for either is slim. Ahmes is known to have been his Great Wife, and was the mother of Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut married her half-brother, Thutmose II, whose mother was Mutneferet. After Thutmose Is death, Ahmes is shown with Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, and is believed to have served as regent for her stepson and daughter early in Thutmose IIs short reign. Hatshepsuts Heritage of Woman Power Hatshepsut thus came from several generations of women who ruled until their young sons were old enough to take power. Of the Eighteenth Dynasty Kings through Thutmose III, perhaps only Thutmose I had come to power as an adult. As Ann Macy Roth has written, women effectively ruled Egypt for almost half of the approximately seventy years preceding Hatshepsuts accession. (1) Hatshepsut in assuming the regency was following in a long tradition. Note: (1) Ann Macy Roth. Models of Authority: Hatshepsuts Predecessors in Power. Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh. Catharine H. Roehrig, editor. 2005. Sources consulted include: Aidan Dodson and Dyan Hilton. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. 2004.John Ray. Hatshepsut: the Female Pharaoh. History Today. Volume 44 number 5, May 1994.Gay Robins. Women in Ancient Egypt. 1993.Catharine H. Roehrig, editor. Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh. 2005. Article contributors include Ann Macy Roth, James P. Allen, Peter F. Dorman, Cathleen A. Keller, Catharine H. Roehrig, Dieter Arnold, Dorothea Arnold.Joyce Tyldesley. Chronicle of the Queens of Egypt. 2006.Joyce Tyldesley. Hatchepsut the Female Pharaoh. 1996.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Double Comparatives in the English Language
Double Comparatives in the English Language Double comparatives are phrases commonly used in English to express increasing or decreasing returns. Double comparatives are often employed to underline the importance of doing or not doing a certain activity. Here are some examples of double comparatives: The more you study, the more you learn.The more time you take, the better the assignment your turn in.The less money I spend, the less I have to worry about saving.The less you worry about the others, the less they will bother you. Using Double Comparatives As you can see from these examples, the format of double comparatives is as follows: The (more / less) (noun / noun phrase) subject verb , the (more / less) (noun) subject verb Double comparatives with more and less can be used with adjectives in the same way. In this case, the structure places the comparative adjective first: The comparative adjective (noun) subject verb, the comparative adjective  it is infinitive The easier the test is, the longer students will wait to prepare.The faster the car is, the more dangerous it is to drive.The crazier the idea is, the more fun it is to try.The more difficult the task is, the sweeter it is to succeed. These forms can be mixed up as well. For example, a double comparative might begin with a more / less plus a subject and then end in a comparative adjective plus the subject. The more money and time he spends with her, the happier he becomes.The less Mary thinks about the problem, the more relaxed she feels.The more the students study for the test, the higher their scores will be. You can also reverse the above by beginning with a comparative adjective and ending with more / less plus a subject and verb or noun, subject and verb. The richer the person is, the more privilege he enjoys.The happier the child is, the more the mom can relax.The more dangerous the amusement park ride is, the less management worries about making a profit. Double comparatives are often shortened in spoken English, especially when used as a cliche. Here are some examples of typical cliches using double comparatives. The more the merriermeans...The more people there are, the merrier everyone will be. Double comparatives can also be turned into commands in the imperative form when recommending certain actions: Study more, learn more.Play less, study more.Work more, save more.Think harder, get smarter. Double Comparatives Incorrect Usage The use of the term double comparative also applies to the incorrect use of two comparative forms together. Here are some examples: This wine is more tastier than that bottle.She is more funnier than Tom is.Alexander is more taller than Franklin. In this case, more is not required as the comparative adjective form has been modified by the addition of -ier. Double Comparatives to Show Change Finally, double comparatives are also used to show a continual increase or decrease. There are more and more people coming to this vacation spot.It seems like there is less and less time to spend with the family these days.Recently, people are finding more and more time to spend with their families. Practice Double Comparatives Use the following sentence segments to create double comparatives (the good kind) of your own. people / come / party , food / we / needdifficult / test , students / studynice / customer service representative / happy / customerhigh-tech / car , expensive / modelfull / church , good / pastorfunny / comic , sales / cd / havesevere / judge , harsh /sentenceexperienced / technician , satisfying / repairlong / play , bored / audiencemoney / spend , money / save Possible Answers Here are some possible answers for the exercise. The more people that come to the party, the more food we will need.The more difficult the test is, the more students should study.The nicer the customer service representative is, the happier the customer will be. The more high-tech the car is, the more expensive the modal will cost. The fuller the church is, the better the pastor is.The funnier the comic is, the better sales the CD will have.The more severe the judge, the harsher the sentence will be.The more experienced the technician is, the more satisfying the repair will be.The longer the play lasts, the more bored the audience becomes.The more money you spend, the less money you save.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Pearson VUE Corp and Current Information Architecture of the Firm Research Paper
Pearson VUE Corp and Current Information Architecture of the Firm - Research Paper Example Forming a section of Pearson plc., Pearson VUE is a cooperation worth 8 billion making it the largest commercial education publishers and testing company (Rinehart and Sloan, 2010). Its main operation facilities are situated in India, the United States, and the United Kingdom while its satellites cover Japan and China. This has enabled Pearson VUE to stand out as a global leaders when it comes to information technology electronic testing , government, academic and professional clients offering services ranging from data management to test development (Morgan, 2010). Pearson VUE Testing Process Pearson VUE has had great impacts with reference to ICT testing providing skills that are fundamental and offer credentials to start people and all knowledge level in ICT careers. These initiatives have attracted the attention of several entrants to the ICT field as well as partners such as the higher education and government (Pivar, 2008). Pearson VUE incentives on professional development thr ough certification and training programs have led to the realization of ICT workforce that is well equipped with skills that are relevant in this industry. Pearson VUE testing has been observed to lead to proficiency when it comes to SQL queries running and writing ensuring a combined set of skills in data complex database, resolved KPIs queries from candidates and clients, timely reports for SMT/OMT and clients which are effectively completed, doing away with ICT procedures that are outdated and support of the VSS (Hondros, 2005). The Pearson VUE has been designed in such a way that its exams in any classroom setups are standardized , measurable, are taken as frequent as possible while its analyzing and grading process are faster (Hondros, 2005). This has been achieved through a convenient and easy exam rescheduling and registration in its centers across the world, the complete utilization of Internet in the process of securing data and transmitting it to its test centers, making i t possible for its exams to be downloaded and always available as scheduled, having its exam results accurately and promptly presented to agencies who are certified after which they are merged with the test database that already exists, connections and monitoring all Pearson VUE hub and protection of its certifications through the Digital Embosser that cannot be tampered with (Ondrus and Pigneur, 2009). The above testing process ensures complete satisfaction to the clients as it enables a registration that is painless and quick, having its exams readily available when needed, testing results reported promptly to the chosen and certified agency. To improve its testing processes, Pearson VUE has employed different technologies including the use of biometric identification in the authentication of test takers. The PalmSecure and the Camera biometric technologies used in the identification have been employed in over 500 facilities globally. These technologies have ensured that those tak ing tests are in a position to accurately, conveniently and quickly determine their identity before sitting down for a scheduled test. The one to many matching technology offers an enhanced fraud prevention layer making use of biometric acceleration distribution technology. The Sensometrix is an additional technology in support of the biometric acceleration technology that compares the biometrics of each test taker
Sunday, February 2, 2020
ETHICS (Response to a Case Study Dilemma in an Information & Essay
ETHICS (Response to a Case Study Dilemma in an Information & Technology Organisation) - Essay Example And as, organizations requires order, and as, every organization faces its own ethical problems, having a well-defined code of ethics is more than important to safeguard the organization against unethical practices detrimental to the organization’s reputation and services (Heermance 1). This is so because code of ethics set the tone for the expected company’s behavior as, â€Å"it outlines uniform policies, standards and punishments for violations†(Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor 45), thereby guiding organizations in dealing with and judging â€Å"situations not specifically covered in written instructions†(Canton 13). These make code of ethics more than important to the organization as it ensures order in and secures the organization. In business, not all gifts are pleasant and safe to receive as, these can be sources of ethical issues, specifically conflict of interest – â€Å"occurs when a person’s or organization’s obligation to act in the interest of another is interested with by a competing interest that may obstruct the fulfillment of that obligation†(Crane & Matten 366) as illustrated in the case under review. Here, the stakeholders – the owner of a small printing business unexpectedly received a parcel containing 12 bottles of expensive scotch whisky in the mail from the manager of the business’s biggest contract delivery company, two weeks before New Year, yet a few weeks before the expiration of their contract. First, although gift giving is generally an act of goodwill, it is also a bribe. In this case, factors drawing the line between goodwill and bribe such as the relationship of the giver to the receiver, the timing, the costs, and the manner of delivery, i ndicate that the gift is meant to gain (Roa 106) the owner’s choice of Delivery Company in favor of the gift-giver as against other applicants. In this light, acceptance of this gift
Saturday, January 25, 2020
New Zealands Disability and Aging Policies and Practices
New Zealands Disability and Aging Policies and Practices Task four: Comparing international developments to New Zealand’s policies and practices in relation to disability and aging. 4.1. Policies on disability and aging 4.1.1. International policies on disability Canada Council for Canadians with disability has provide support for disabled and assist them as they find difficulties when living in society or finding the job or any educational. As follow several committee : Transportation committee International development committee Human rights committee Social policy committee The sociopolitical model concerned with human rights in the 1970s as they focus to reduce the barrier of environment, any other negative thought toward people with disability from social community. The Canadian government promote the policies and support independent living for people with disability such as services, transportation and housing and make more flexible for these people. According to the International model of Human Rights , people with disability also have all the normal rights as a citizen and it is existing under the law for the disabled people. Australia In Australia, the two Commonwealth policies and important that related to disability are Disability Services Act 1986 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, they all provide the rights for the disability. The Disability Services Act(DSA) 1986: The act based on the handicapped program review that the commonwealth initiated 1983. There are some action of the legislation provide the services for people with disability into the society( Baume Kay 1995): Providing more flexible and more responsive to the needs for disabled people. Assist disabled people gets services and they can work in the community with full participation. Provide service to people with disability that they can achieve the positive outcomes such as become more independent, more opportunity for employment in the community. Considering the outcome achieved of the disabled people as they are taken into account of financial for these services. Innovation in the provision of service for people with disability should be encouraged. The disability discrimination act 1992: the act related to social justice for disabled in Australia. The act is aim to protect the interest of people with disability who has experience of discrimination in public and private service. There are some action of the act: The disabled people has the same rights when they are in the community Within the community principle that people with disability have the same fundamental rights. Providing the law by commonwealth program as the discrimination against the person on the ground of the disability in the education , work, accommodation. New Zealand The New Zealand strategy for people with disability introduced to the New Zealand government to promote a more inclusive society for people with disability as they can get respect in social community. In addition, guideline the government implement about provide support service for people with disability and some others attitude and behaviour from society toward them. The government department and others government agencies need to consider to people with disability before making decision. The strategy and policies Non-disabling society should be encouraged and educate as they need to respect and highly values the lives to disable people. People in society should perceived the rights for people with disability as they can implement their rights fully. Considering education for disable people, as they can develop their skills and educational centre which can help them participate in society. Giving and providing opportunities economic and employment for disable people in accordance with human rights and maintain adequate income. In the case, disable Maori and pacific people should be considered as promote participation. Providing support the lifestyle choice and culture for people with disability. Also support for quality living in the community for disable people as they can feel comfortable while living in that community. Foster leadership by disable people as encourage them to making decision, acknowledge and strengthen of the leadership for them on this issue. Long-term support system centred need to create on individual: making sure the quality assessment and service deliver is centred for disable people . Foster an aware and responsive public service: make sure that government agencies, public service are aware the responsive for people with disability. Comparison Similarities : In all three countries, the policies focus on how to delivery good support toward to the disabled people in any angle such as environment, educational, employment and social community. Differences Canada: Policy concern about system support for the disabled people as encourage them participate in social’s life. Australia : The government involved the aspect and concentrated to the educational discrimination for people with disability. New Zealand: The government à not only focus on the European in New Zealand, they also concern toward to Maori and Pacific people who are living with disability 4.1.2. International policies on aging Canada There are several programmes focus on provide the financial of healthcare for the elderly as well as concentrate to support service policies for the older people. Canada pension plan provide the security –income program such as old age security, guaranteed income supplement(1967) to support for elderly about the financial and low-income for seniors by federal government general revenue. Providing advices and support of ageing under the population health fund and also the national health research and development program. Canada government also create and understand the knowledge to support the elderly on the way effectively. The national framework on aging are providing the policies effective to seniors as well as consulting this issue for older people in Canada. Making sure the manual safety for the elderly as their health or traveling or health insurance plan. Increasing government income security programmes Australia The Australia government created the policies to support older people who are living in retirement become more active and financially secure. The older people can continue to work if they wish in the communities Provide the program such as lifelong learning and active ageing so the older people in Australia can be more active and can increase number of wellbeing in the elderly. Also good health can reduce the isolation and maintain the independence on the older people. New Zealand . The New Zealand positive aging strategy provides a framework for understanding and improving policies for older people. The positive aging takes account of health, financial security, personal safety and environment living for older people in New Zealand. Health: Promote and support the development of the health centre community for older people. Considering the multi-disciplinary availability need assessment throughout new Zealand. Income: the policies has introduced to ensure that the elderly gets adequate income and appropriate standard of living. Following legislation that the security of publicly should be increased provide retirement income into the future. Housing: providing support from government as the elderly gets appropriate housing option. In addition, organize the survey option to enable low-income families to purchase home. Transport: public transport should be reviewed as they are friendly in terms of route, timetables and safe for all ages. Ensuring that lack of transport is not the barrier for health services. Ageing in place: developing the policy and the range of service that can support ageing in place. implement and promote service programmes of safety awareness for older people. Culture diversity: number of quality services for maori and pacific people should be increased and improved. Also , older people from ethnic community should be identified the issue in specific and develop those option according to the cultural. Rural: developing and providing policies and support service delivery for older people who is living in the rural community. Attitudes: all the people has the different positive attitudes to the older people as making sure that government agency and publicity campaign portray positive images for the elderly. Developing intergenerational progammes in school and communities. Employment : support employment of older people worker according to the government policies sector. Promote the mentoring programmes of the skills and experiences for older people. Opportunities: improving the opportunity and increasing the educational and retraining for adult people Comparison Similarities: Supporting policies are providing properly toward to the older people in all three countries as they can live in the community with good health and comfortable with retirement. Differences : Canada and Australia: They all two countries are still focus on the financial support for older people. Also, these two countries has increased the number of the elderly and giving solutions how to deal with it and protect a good life for them. New Zealand: In the case, New Zealand separate in different type on these policies which is very clearly to support for older people. 4.2.1. International delivery policies on disability Canada According to accessible transportation in Canada , the program were establish to provide the transport system and safety environment to help people with disability as they can found it easier when they are traveling. Health Canada Community living Support funding for disable people in the labour market also help for employment as they are having disability. Australia Disability services Australia 1986 provided the quality of services delivered to disabled people as the quality for health care for the disability . In addition, the younger people with disability in residential aged care was set by the Australia government for five year which helping reduce the number of younger people having disability and support those people as they are living in the residential aged care. The disability standard provide achieving equal access for people with disability. Home and community care provide support the care and increasing the independent for people with disability in the residential care. New Zealand In the community, health care services from practice nurse may be related to primary health care centre. According to the Public Health and Disability act, the Primary Heath Organization were founded and that provide the health education and also others services of health were delivered. Public Health service also support service disabled people under the New Zealand Health and Disability Act 2000. Comparison Similarities : All three countries are focus on providing the support for disable people with higher quality and progammes in different terms such as health care provide. Differences: Canada : These policy concentrate on planning safety for people with disability on the angle as transportation or employment, also meet on development educational for them to get more experiences and skills that can help them living in society. Australia : Organizing the services and delivery carer in effectively to the younger with disability on the both side financially and mentally illness help these people more confident with their ability while they are living in the residential community. New Zealand : Provide on the basic need on health care under the New Zealand Health and Disability Act 2000 for the people with disability. 4.2.2. International delivery policies on aging Canada Proving the financial support for older people when they retire at the age of 60 The policies providing the services and also development the program liaising with different levels for the senior in the community. Focusing on long-term system support care for the elderly as the social support or any other physically or mentally support for them. Australia Australia government concern to provide services and community of care effectively for older people according to their religious, culture and charities. Under the aged care assessment program, the government budget to support the elderly and contribute funds to support these program. Caring the elderly also get the support services from the government. Delivering the support needs in individual for elderly under the National continence management. New Zealand There are several support service organizations were founded to develop and help the elderly with higher quality and effectively to them. Age concern Diabetes new Zealand National health foundation Career force Public health association As these organizations can provide a good qualification to help the older people in the retirement and get benefit in term of the needs that the elderly want. Comparison Similarities: These countries are delivering the good quality and effectively support for the older people as well as they consider to develop to make sure the elderly can live in their community comfortable and happy. Differences Canada: Government in Canada may need to provide the higher support of finance and services to care the elderly. Australia: The health care system in Australia is quite effectively toward the older people. New Zealand : Under each organization, they are giving the best support and access for the elderly as older people can live in the best way in the retirement home or facility. Referencing Government of Saskatchewan Retrieved from: http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/office-disability Disability policy in Canada Retrieved from: http://video.med.ubc.ca/videos/osot/faculty/lj/Disability_Policy_in_Canada.pdf Office for disability issue Retrieved from: http://www.odi.govt.nz/resources/publications/new-zealand-disability-strategy.html Ministry of social development Retrieved from: http://www.msd.govt.nz/what-we-can-do/seniorcitizens/positive-ageing/goals/index.html Disability policies and program in Australia Retrieved from: http://www.academia.edu/1079853/Disability_Policies_and_Programs_in_Australia Government of south Australia Retrieved from: http://www.sa.gov.au/upload/entity/1856/dac-documents/policy-guideline/ Parliament of Canada Retrieved from: http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/lop/researchpublications/cei-07-e.htm Women with disability in Australia Retrieved from: http://wwda.org.au/govtdis/govtdisoverview/ Australia government- department of health Retrieved from: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/ageing-aged-care
Friday, January 17, 2020
Project Proposal Essay
Background and Motivation What is the setting and history behind this project? Customer Relationship Management concerns the relationship between the organization and its customers. Customers are the lifeblood of any organization be it a global corporation with thousands of employees and a multi-billion turnover, or a sole trader with a handful of regular customers. Customer Relationship Management is the same in principle for these two examples – it is the scope of CRM which can vary drastically. CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a way for businesses to find potential customers. While the first iterations of CRM were used in the 1980s, it wasn’t until the 2000s that it really began to shine. CRM software helps businesses identify and categorize existing customers. This allows them to see the specific demographics their products appeal to, in turn allowing them to market their products more effectively. What is the problem to be addressed? Many organizations are considering introducing CRM systems or are in the process of doing so. The main concern of these organizations is their ability to make the necessary changes at the level of organizational strategy that the introduction of the CRM system requires. Organizations are also concerned about damaging their existing customer care system. Their fears are based on past failures in their own or in other organizations. What are some current approaches to this problem? 1. The users don’t use the CRM system My personal view is that most people do not come to work to fight the system. If users are rejecting the CRM system then we need to try to understand the reasons. In most cases this can be traced to a lack of management support for CRM. If users feel that their conscientious updating of the CRM system is not used then they will stop using it. Examples of managers refusing to use the CRM system, requesting reports in Word or Excel format, and enjoying a successful CRM implementation are nonexistent. The simple fact is that leaders need to lead – that means that everyone from the very top down must use the CRM system. 2. The users want to use the CRM system, but the technology is failing them Another point of belief; CRM software developers do not set out to ship bad software. So even if you have selected a software platform that we don’t sell, it is unlikely that the CRM issue will be bugged software. The most common reasons for technology failing are tied to speed or ease of access. If your users cannot access the CRM system whenever or wherever they want then they will drift away. 3. The original driving force for the CRM project has moved on It is often said that a new broom sweeps cleanest. All too often changes in management herald changes in the CRM system. Users who were previously happily using the CRM system, struggle to adopt changes. Users who were struggling with the system, legitimize their behavior with reference to changes that may, or may not be coming. 4. The CRM system does not deliver all of the functions required This might be the result of changes in the business, or changes in the management or reporting requirements. Typically this is first visible as a potential Business Intelligence (BI) requirement. The need is to integrate all of the systems that surround the CRM system. From quote creation, to web store integration, systems proliferate to surround the CRM system. Requirements, not anticipated in the initial CRM project create additional customer data silos. Left unchecked these will ultimately undermine the â€Å"single view of the customer†CRM seeks to deliver. Why is this problem worth solving or worth solving better? Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processesâ€â€principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1] The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, service and retain those the company already has, entice former clients to return, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.[2] Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.[3] Measuring and valuing customer relationships is critical to implementing this strategy. Benefits of the Project/Product * One of the major benefits of having a CRM is that it improves the quality of service. The CRM collects all information of the clients then analyzes the data and help you in decision- making. With the help of Customer Relationship Management, you will assured that your system is running safe and secure. Another benefit of having a CRM software is that it can help you save a lot of money. Of course, purchasing a software might be expensive but compared on hiring, training and paying employees, it will save you a lot. * Having a Customer Relationship Management software needs to have careful planning. Remember that in this system, the relationship between your company and your clients is at stake. You have to plan out everything. It is also important that you consider its usability. You have to determine the benefits it will bring to your company and its impact in your business as well as your employees. * Since all information provided by the customers were collected by the CRM, it is important to keep them secure. The company as well as the vendors should ensure the quality of the system that it is secure enough to protect confidential information. Scope and Limitations of the Project The scope limitation option on workflows in MSCRM is a great feature that unfortunately has half baked functionality. Particularly when dealing with large organizations with multiple Business Units, it’s compelling to try and limit scope to the Business Unit level. This works fine until you realize the limitations. Seeing as how workflows can only be owned by people, you MUST assign each workflow to a user in the business unit you’d like scope limited to. As soon as you attempt this, you’ll need to deactive the workflow, assign to the appropriate user, have that user log into the system, and re-activate the workflow. Needless to say, this is not a feasible maintenance scenario for organizations rolling out to dozen(s) of business units.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Past, Present and Future for Education System - 2221 Words
Past, present and future for education system Sponsored by Published on undefined NaN undefined NaN NaN:NaN From: David H Rhodes, Keeble Park North, Bishopthorpe, York. THE school examination results have been announced and no doubt many students are rejoicing in what they have attained through very hard work. Congratulations to them. This does, however, bring an air of confusion as to the genuine merit and value of the grades attained. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that 50 years ago only a percentage of examinees were passed in each grade, A, B, etc. If so, it would have had the benefit of stricter marking and no added points for crude expressions. Universities would have had a better selection process as there would have been†¦show more content†¦Can the Prime Minister now admit to the error in maginalising our brightest students and increase the investment in their future? We would then improve our commercial, industrial, scientific and professional status in the world and perhaps improve the calibre of our future politicians and other personnel in governing authorities. Sad indictment of councils culture policy From: Alice Sheepshanks, Arthington, near Leeds. AS the air reverberates with the sound of rock from the Leeds Festival, at Bramham, I sorely lament the lack of some culture and hope most sincerely that next year it will be possible for Leeds City Council to support the Leeds Shakespeare Festival again. It is so important to cater for all tastes, and not just to bow to the lowest common denominator. I believe wholeheartedly that Shakespeare can be appreciated by all ages and classes, particularly if performed by this most skilful and dedicated troupe, the British Shakespeare Company. I have taken my two children (now aged 12 and 14) to the performances at Kirkstall Abbey since they were quite small. They adored the spectacle, the language, the plot – it was a marvellous opportunity for them. I feel desperately sad that this year they can wander about at Bramham and listen to the thundering sound of Metallica and Tenacious D (which they love) but The Tempest or A Midsummer Nights Dream are out of the question. What a sad indictment on Leeds City Council.Show MoreRelatedThe Phases Of American Education1528 Words  | 7 PagesThe Phases of American Education Can you imagine a world without education? If education did not exist there would be no iPhones, computers, laptops, or cars. Education has had its ups and downs. The learning system in the past was very basicà ¾ students got lessons directly from the teacher and more information from the book. Back then, parents taught their children how to read and write from the bible and hornbooks. People usually learned how to read from picture books. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Should Gay Marriage Be Allowed - 2234 Words
Should Gays and Lesbians be allowed to raise children? Same Sex marriage has really come out of the darkness and into society’s spotlight. It has increasingly become one of the most controversial issues in the United State of America and around the world. The public opinion varies by race, gender, class, culture, religion and in the political arena. Perhaps there have been positive shifts in attitudes towards gay marriages. This paper I will go through the impact of marital, family statue, and civil rights on the views of same sex marriages, legal unions of gay and lesbian couples raising children but mostly about whether if kids should be raised by the same-sex marriage. The civil marriage rights movement and pros for same sex couples began in the 1970’s, but it wasn’t until May 2004 same sex marriages were recognized as a legal union (Hack, Boyer, Galupo 1). Same sex marriages have really increased over time because people have strides in the marriage equal ity movement. This movement has led to successful legalization of gay and lesbian marriages in New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Washington D.C and now in every state in the United States. After a long history of discrimination between lesbians and gay individuals today has encounter more societal acceptance than ever before because people has actually stop caring if they could get married. American people has shown a more acceptance of civil or legal unions over the course of the pastShow MoreRelatedShould Gay Marriages Be Allowed?1056 Words  | 5 PagesGay Marriages In Georgia Imagine that when a person is born there is a generator and the parents will get to choose what their baby looks like when they get older. The generator consists of how tall the person will be, the eye color, and also the skin tone. What if the parents got to choose the personality as well? The individual would never be able to express themselves. What if the parents dislike gays and told the child that they could never be gay. The individual could never express theirRead MoreGay Marriage Should Not Be Allowed Anywhere On This Earth.1023 Words  | 5 PagesGay Marriage should not be allowed anywhere on this Earth. Charles Colson, a contributing editor of the Christianity Today magazine and a radio commentator, was against gay marriage in his article, he wrote â€Å"Gay â€Å"Marriage†: Societal Suicide.†Many people can flood both sides of this argument, but are mainly against gay marriages. Gay marriage is a sin, violates the natural law, children should be raised by a mother and father, and the rights should not be equal if they choose to disobey God. HoweverRead MoreEssay about Sexual Ethics: Gay Marriage Should Not Be Allowed1343 Words  | 6 Pagestoday’s news and media, it seems that the topic of homosexuality and whether it is morally acceptable or unacceptable is brought up on a daily occurrence. 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In some of our states laws have already been passed to allow same sex couples the freedom to get married, while other states are still resisting for one reason or another. As with everything else there is more than one side, more than one argument supporting and more than one argument resisting the changes being proposed. There are religious reasons, moral reasons, constitutional reasons and financial reasons being used by bothRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal925 Words  | 4 PagesGay Marriage jenisea Phoenix Community College Gay Marriage What if you met someone and fell deep in love? What if they meant everything in the world to you? Wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to make them happy? What if i told you that you couldn’t? and that no matter how much you showed someone that you are meant to be that you couldn’t marry them? Wouldn’t that tear you apart inside?. â€Å"The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states thatRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Is The Legal Union Essay1562 Words  | 7 PagesAbout Company Legal Site Map Contact Advertise ï‡ º ï‡ ¼ ï‡ ½  ©2015 StudyMode.com Home Same-sex marriage Same Sex Marriage Same Sex Marriage Civil union, Homosexuality, Marriage By kwhite89 Mar 16, 2015 1510 Words 56 Views More info PDF View Text View Page 6 of 6
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