Saturday, January 25, 2020
New Zealands Disability and Aging Policies and Practices
New Zealands Disability and Aging Policies and Practices Task four: Comparing international developments to New Zealand’s policies and practices in relation to disability and aging. 4.1. Policies on disability and aging 4.1.1. International policies on disability Canada Council for Canadians with disability has provide support for disabled and assist them as they find difficulties when living in society or finding the job or any educational. As follow several committee : Transportation committee International development committee Human rights committee Social policy committee The sociopolitical model concerned with human rights in the 1970s as they focus to reduce the barrier of environment, any other negative thought toward people with disability from social community. The Canadian government promote the policies and support independent living for people with disability such as services, transportation and housing and make more flexible for these people. According to the International model of Human Rights , people with disability also have all the normal rights as a citizen and it is existing under the law for the disabled people. Australia In Australia, the two Commonwealth policies and important that related to disability are Disability Services Act 1986 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, they all provide the rights for the disability. The Disability Services Act(DSA) 1986: The act based on the handicapped program review that the commonwealth initiated 1983. There are some action of the legislation provide the services for people with disability into the society( Baume Kay 1995): Providing more flexible and more responsive to the needs for disabled people. Assist disabled people gets services and they can work in the community with full participation. Provide service to people with disability that they can achieve the positive outcomes such as become more independent, more opportunity for employment in the community. Considering the outcome achieved of the disabled people as they are taken into account of financial for these services. Innovation in the provision of service for people with disability should be encouraged. The disability discrimination act 1992: the act related to social justice for disabled in Australia. The act is aim to protect the interest of people with disability who has experience of discrimination in public and private service. There are some action of the act: The disabled people has the same rights when they are in the community Within the community principle that people with disability have the same fundamental rights. Providing the law by commonwealth program as the discrimination against the person on the ground of the disability in the education , work, accommodation. New Zealand The New Zealand strategy for people with disability introduced to the New Zealand government to promote a more inclusive society for people with disability as they can get respect in social community. In addition, guideline the government implement about provide support service for people with disability and some others attitude and behaviour from society toward them. The government department and others government agencies need to consider to people with disability before making decision. The strategy and policies Non-disabling society should be encouraged and educate as they need to respect and highly values the lives to disable people. People in society should perceived the rights for people with disability as they can implement their rights fully. Considering education for disable people, as they can develop their skills and educational centre which can help them participate in society. Giving and providing opportunities economic and employment for disable people in accordance with human rights and maintain adequate income. In the case, disable Maori and pacific people should be considered as promote participation. Providing support the lifestyle choice and culture for people with disability. Also support for quality living in the community for disable people as they can feel comfortable while living in that community. Foster leadership by disable people as encourage them to making decision, acknowledge and strengthen of the leadership for them on this issue. Long-term support system centred need to create on individual: making sure the quality assessment and service deliver is centred for disable people . Foster an aware and responsive public service: make sure that government agencies, public service are aware the responsive for people with disability. Comparison Similarities : In all three countries, the policies focus on how to delivery good support toward to the disabled people in any angle such as environment, educational, employment and social community. Differences Canada: Policy concern about system support for the disabled people as encourage them participate in social’s life. Australia : The government involved the aspect and concentrated to the educational discrimination for people with disability. New Zealand: The government à not only focus on the European in New Zealand, they also concern toward to Maori and Pacific people who are living with disability 4.1.2. International policies on aging Canada There are several programmes focus on provide the financial of healthcare for the elderly as well as concentrate to support service policies for the older people. Canada pension plan provide the security –income program such as old age security, guaranteed income supplement(1967) to support for elderly about the financial and low-income for seniors by federal government general revenue. Providing advices and support of ageing under the population health fund and also the national health research and development program. Canada government also create and understand the knowledge to support the elderly on the way effectively. The national framework on aging are providing the policies effective to seniors as well as consulting this issue for older people in Canada. Making sure the manual safety for the elderly as their health or traveling or health insurance plan. Increasing government income security programmes Australia The Australia government created the policies to support older people who are living in retirement become more active and financially secure. The older people can continue to work if they wish in the communities Provide the program such as lifelong learning and active ageing so the older people in Australia can be more active and can increase number of wellbeing in the elderly. Also good health can reduce the isolation and maintain the independence on the older people. New Zealand . The New Zealand positive aging strategy provides a framework for understanding and improving policies for older people. The positive aging takes account of health, financial security, personal safety and environment living for older people in New Zealand. Health: Promote and support the development of the health centre community for older people. Considering the multi-disciplinary availability need assessment throughout new Zealand. Income: the policies has introduced to ensure that the elderly gets adequate income and appropriate standard of living. Following legislation that the security of publicly should be increased provide retirement income into the future. Housing: providing support from government as the elderly gets appropriate housing option. In addition, organize the survey option to enable low-income families to purchase home. Transport: public transport should be reviewed as they are friendly in terms of route, timetables and safe for all ages. Ensuring that lack of transport is not the barrier for health services. Ageing in place: developing the policy and the range of service that can support ageing in place. implement and promote service programmes of safety awareness for older people. Culture diversity: number of quality services for maori and pacific people should be increased and improved. Also , older people from ethnic community should be identified the issue in specific and develop those option according to the cultural. Rural: developing and providing policies and support service delivery for older people who is living in the rural community. Attitudes: all the people has the different positive attitudes to the older people as making sure that government agency and publicity campaign portray positive images for the elderly. Developing intergenerational progammes in school and communities. Employment : support employment of older people worker according to the government policies sector. Promote the mentoring programmes of the skills and experiences for older people. Opportunities: improving the opportunity and increasing the educational and retraining for adult people Comparison Similarities: Supporting policies are providing properly toward to the older people in all three countries as they can live in the community with good health and comfortable with retirement. Differences : Canada and Australia: They all two countries are still focus on the financial support for older people. Also, these two countries has increased the number of the elderly and giving solutions how to deal with it and protect a good life for them. New Zealand: In the case, New Zealand separate in different type on these policies which is very clearly to support for older people. 4.2.1. International delivery policies on disability Canada According to accessible transportation in Canada , the program were establish to provide the transport system and safety environment to help people with disability as they can found it easier when they are traveling. Health Canada Community living Support funding for disable people in the labour market also help for employment as they are having disability. Australia Disability services Australia 1986 provided the quality of services delivered to disabled people as the quality for health care for the disability . In addition, the younger people with disability in residential aged care was set by the Australia government for five year which helping reduce the number of younger people having disability and support those people as they are living in the residential aged care. The disability standard provide achieving equal access for people with disability. Home and community care provide support the care and increasing the independent for people with disability in the residential care. New Zealand In the community, health care services from practice nurse may be related to primary health care centre. According to the Public Health and Disability act, the Primary Heath Organization were founded and that provide the health education and also others services of health were delivered. Public Health service also support service disabled people under the New Zealand Health and Disability Act 2000. Comparison Similarities : All three countries are focus on providing the support for disable people with higher quality and progammes in different terms such as health care provide. Differences: Canada : These policy concentrate on planning safety for people with disability on the angle as transportation or employment, also meet on development educational for them to get more experiences and skills that can help them living in society. Australia : Organizing the services and delivery carer in effectively to the younger with disability on the both side financially and mentally illness help these people more confident with their ability while they are living in the residential community. New Zealand : Provide on the basic need on health care under the New Zealand Health and Disability Act 2000 for the people with disability. 4.2.2. International delivery policies on aging Canada Proving the financial support for older people when they retire at the age of 60 The policies providing the services and also development the program liaising with different levels for the senior in the community. Focusing on long-term system support care for the elderly as the social support or any other physically or mentally support for them. Australia Australia government concern to provide services and community of care effectively for older people according to their religious, culture and charities. Under the aged care assessment program, the government budget to support the elderly and contribute funds to support these program. Caring the elderly also get the support services from the government. Delivering the support needs in individual for elderly under the National continence management. New Zealand There are several support service organizations were founded to develop and help the elderly with higher quality and effectively to them. Age concern Diabetes new Zealand National health foundation Career force Public health association As these organizations can provide a good qualification to help the older people in the retirement and get benefit in term of the needs that the elderly want. Comparison Similarities: These countries are delivering the good quality and effectively support for the older people as well as they consider to develop to make sure the elderly can live in their community comfortable and happy. Differences Canada: Government in Canada may need to provide the higher support of finance and services to care the elderly. Australia: The health care system in Australia is quite effectively toward the older people. New Zealand : Under each organization, they are giving the best support and access for the elderly as older people can live in the best way in the retirement home or facility. Referencing Government of Saskatchewan Retrieved from: Disability policy in Canada Retrieved from: Office for disability issue Retrieved from: Ministry of social development Retrieved from: Disability policies and program in Australia Retrieved from: Government of south Australia Retrieved from: Parliament of Canada Retrieved from: Women with disability in Australia Retrieved from: Australia government- department of health Retrieved from:
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